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Our Trust of Schools

YEAR 7 Space

Welcome Year 7

This area is dedicated to our new Year 7s starting in September and their parents. It has been designed and written with the help of Year 7 ambassadors who share helpful information and stories about all the brilliant opportunities from their experience at All Saints Academy so far.

Year 6 Induction

Year 6 students will be given the opportunity to visit All Saints throughout the year, with several exciting cross-curricular events taking place with our primary schools. 


All students who were allocated a place are then invited to join us for TWO full days of transition in July 2024, where they will take part in a wide range of fun activities.

A day in the life of Year 7

Our year 7 Ambassadors wanted to share what a typical day at All Saints is like. We hope you love it and can’t wait for you to join us at one of our many open events

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Frequently Asked Questions

Year 7 Tutor Induction (September)

We have an extended transition period for all year 7s in September, where tutors, the pastoral team and the SEND department spend time getting to know our students. Year 7 have TWO full days to settle in without any other year groups in school. At All Saints we really want students to feel confident, happy and settled from their first day. This extended transition period gives students the opportunity to get to know their way around, become familiar with the cashless system in the canteen and to meet key staff members. Parents also value having staff on hand to meet and greet at the start and end of the day to ask those initial questions and to develop close links between home and school.

Year 7 Induction Booklet

Year 7 Transition Tutor Booklet

Year 7 Tutor Reading programme

Year 7 students every day partake in the Lexia programme to support their reading and literacy skills. 

Year 7 Parent information evening September 2024

At All Saints we appreciate how many changes there are from Primary to Secondary school and, as parents and carers, how many questions you are often left wondering about as everything is new! In response to parent feedback we have set up an opportunity for parents and carers to join us within that first week to give you the opportunity to ask key staff any questions you have been wondering about.

During this evening you will get to meet your child’s tutor. Staff are also available from all faculties to support with pastoral queries, subject specific questions, logging into classcharts and SPARX.The SEND team are also on hand to offer support and advice.

Year 7 – SPARX Maths

  • Coming soon

All Saints Key Dates 2024/25

Open Events